Warning: Don’t even think about learning Hebrew until you take a minute to read this critical information…
…On the other hand, if you already speak a little Hebrew, but need to quickly improve your skills, then this information will save you hundreds of wasted dollars and countless hours of frustration!
Even with some of the basics already under your belt it can still be a daunting task – as I painfully found out…
You see, I arrived in Jerusalem for a few weeks (on business) and even though I was told I had enough of the language under my belt to enjoy my stay, I was totally shocked by what was about to happen…
In almost every encounter it seemed like I was desperately trying to piece together the Hebrew I had learnt, only to see another blank stare or puzzled look from almost all the people I tried to communicate with. Ouch!
When I did manage to get a reply, it was all I could do to pick out the odd familiar word and hope that people wouldn’t mind repeating each sentence again (and again, and again!)… talk about embarr ing…
It wasn’t that I didn’t have any vocabulary at all or that I hadn’t learnt how to ask simple questions for directions and so forth. The real problem was that…
To explain a little more, although I was taught Hebrew by professionals, it was in completely the wrong way for me and I didn’t realise until it was way too late! So, without the fundamental building blocks in place (I will show you these in minute) I was floundering…
…whom I desperately wanted to communicate with for longer than 30 seconds (before the conversation stopped in an awkward silence)…
I was only in Jerusalem for a few short but very important weeks and my stumbling around with Hebrew just wasn’t going to be good enough.
Not only was I missing out on all the wonderful conversations with my family there but also complicating several crucial business deals – I really needed to know exactly what was being said – right in front of my eyes!
In just a moment I will explain the incredible 9 steps that allowed me to almost instantly understand all the Hebrew I wanted to, but first I want to explain:
In Jerusalem I was forced to find a breakthrough moment with Hebrew. A breakthrough that completely transformed my time there, as the entire city came alive with conversations I could finally understand!
I was able to read books from start to finish and go to the cinema and watch Hebrew films without needing to ask my friends ever other minute, to explain what just happened in the movie.
The best thing though, was that the secret to finally understanding Hebrew was actually much easier than I had been making it!
I know that if you are thinking about learning Hebrew you have the SAME struggle ahead of you. Especially if you start out in the wrong way, as I did.
I also know that even if you already understand some Hebrew, but are missing the same crucial elements as I was, you are making your learning so much harder than it needs to be – you could even be harming your chances of communicating effectively in Hebrew altogether!
Since the moment I transformed learning Hebrew into something so ‘head-slappingly’ obvious and simple, I have made it a personal mission to help as many people as I possibly can feel the exact same relief and excitement when you discover the keys to unlocking the Hebrew language almost instantly…
From today onwards, you will be able to open up a whole new world of exciting possibilities, without the usual pain and boredom of the traditional learning methods that had failed me (and many others) so badly!
Don’t make the same mistakes that I did and waste your time, money and efforts on a Hebrew education that just doesn’t make sense in the real world.
If you are looking to start learning the fun and exciting language of Hebrew then I can show you the very best way to get started in just a few minutes!.
If you are already studying Hebrew but just can’t seem to make all the pieces of the puzzle fit, then I can show you the exact reasons why you are still struggling.
However, as I have already been through the very real frustrations of learning Hebrew in the wrong way… you don’t have to!
I want to share with you what I discovered – the essential components to a successful and rapid understanding of Hebrew.
I have distilled my virtually instant Hebrew clarity into 9 simple steps and combined them into an easy to follow formula called…
You can now share my painless and fun…