Has it been like looking for a needle in a haystack? Those intricate, lace-like patterns look like they take simply ages to s ch don’t they? And you don’t even want to think about how you can get the back to look as good as the front!
If you have tried my free blackwork patterns as a taster you may be beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Blackwork is like anything else; if you learn the techniques behind it, everything starts to make sense.
So where are you going to learn those all-important techniques? Guess what, this ebook is a great place to start. I wrote it for people just like you, if…
Of course it would be great if you lived around the corner from me and could attend one of my blackwork workshops. I could show you the secrets to making your work reversible, introduce you to shading techniques and answer your questions right there and then.
But don’t worry if you live miles away, "Blackwork for beginners" is the next best thing to having me help you in person. Full of information that I have p ed on to students during my workshops, it is almost as though I am sitting there with you.
Have you heard the saying "A picture’s worth a thousand words"? Well there are lots of photos and diagrams in the book that will help you see that blackwork is as easy as 1 2 3.
Talking of 1 2 3 (or ABC) let me tell you that I first saw someone creating a beautiful blackwork frog when I was at school. I was intrigued and wanted to have a go myself. But, believe it or not, it took me another 20 years before I decided to tackle blackwork!
What made me give it a go? Well I had been designing cross s ch for a number of magazines and one editor asked me if I would create a blackwork design for the next issue. Of course, once I had tried it, I was hooked!
I’ll guide you as to what threads and fabrics you can use for blackwork, I’ll lead you through the maze and explain
The way that Carol describes the minutest detail you just know that she has "been there, made that mistake". You feel as if you are reading comments from a friend instead of a teaching manual. Jean Hilton, Lord Robartes Regiment – The Sealed Knot
If you get stuck I will be at the other end of the phone or you can email me and I’ll help you out. After all there’s nothing nicer than talking s ching with like-minded friends is there?
Well the icing on the cake is that I have included 8 projects in the book, each with step by step instructions, to give you something to get your teeth into. And when you’ve completed them? See below . . .
Still here? Need a little more convincing? How about if, for a short time only, I add into the package a FREE bonus ebook!
The step by step instructions and diagrams will have you s ching this sweet sampler in no time. This really does make blackwork for beginners a piece of cake.
With the 8 designs in the first book and this wonderful FREE sampler you will have the technique of blackwork under your belt in no time! As long as you don’t wait for 20 years like I did!
No-Questions-Asked Guarantee: If for any reason you don’t find this book helpful when you are trying to learn blackwork for beginners just email me within 8 weeks from your date of purchase – and I’ll issue you a 100% refund immediately. You have 8 full weeks to read, practice and to s ch the projects. If you’re not completely satisfied just ask for (and receive) an immediate, 100% refund.
Immediately following your payment you will be taken straight to a page where you can download your e-book to your computer. In minutes you can begin your journey into the wonderful world of blackwork. The file size is 2.39MB so won’t take long to download.
You will need Adobe Reader (the latest version is recommended) installed on your computer in order to open and read this book. You can get Adobe Reader here (a new window will open so you can download without leaving this page).
If you want to open the file in your browser window, you can just click on the link. However, if you want to download the file to view later, then right click on the link and choose "Save Target As" or "Save File As." Then select where you want to save the file on your hard drive.
I hope you enjoy your book, and learning about…