Worse Than Fake Language Are The Joyless, P ionless, Long-Winded Grammar Explanations That Just Leave You Confused.
The home delivery version includes the audio on CDs and a printed guide that makes it as easy as pie to start communicating in Spanish. Order the home delivery version now.
The download version gives you access to our member’s site where you can access all the same lessons. You get all 31 Shortcut to Spanish audio lessons, plus the step-by-step guidebook to learning Spanish fast.
Just download the audio and guidebook to your computer and you’re ready to start speaking Spanish. If you prefer learning away from your computer you can burn the lesson onto CD or transfer them to a portable device like an MP3 player or iPod. That way, you can learn Spanish while you drive, walk or in any comfortable place where you feel comfortable. Get started right away with the instant download version.
My name is Marcus Santamaria. That’s me with my family in the picture above. After I met and married my wife, Elena, we decided to move to Mexico to be near her family. But I didn’t speak a word of Spanish! I needed to learn the language so that I could interact with her family and friends.
As an English teacher, I absolutely needed to learn the language so that I didn’t feel like a fraud! I mean, how could I possibly teach English as a second language when I didn’t even know one myself?
My shame drove me to search endlessly for a better way of learning and teaching. Believe me, learning Spanish was not easy for me…I struggled! Eventually I discovered what I had suspected all along: the problem was not me, but the methods I was using.
Once I discovered what’s really important for communication, (you’ll be amazed at how much of what is normally taught actually gets in the way of communication) and how to best use the mind for rapid learning, I became fluent in Spanish and very successful at teaching, too!
I am now a very successful language teacher – one of the most respected and highest paid in Latin America. But the main reason I have a lot to offer you as a Spanish teacher is simply this: I have been where you are now. If you have ever had a tough time learning a language, Synergy Spanish can help – and I’m here for you, too!
"Thanks for an excellent course. I live in Tenerife and have been to Spanish cl es here but have found the grammar made it very difficult. I have found that my Spanish is now coming on very well with your course." Sheila Thomas – Tenerife
"My Spanish is coming along wonderfully. Investing in your course is the best investment I made. I have a few Spanish speaking friends (Latin Americans) and they were amazed at my progress." Ornell Bed e – USA
"I plan on speaking Spanish fluently in the next six months. Thanks to you and your incredible learning system"
"Me and my family are having much fun with the lessons you provide. I plan on speaking Spanish fluently in the next six months. Thanks to you and your incredible learning system. Thanks for making it so easy." Frank Burns – USA
I’ve been studying your course like crazy, because I knew I would be seeing my Spanish friend last week. I had dinner with 2 friends and they were amazed at how much Spanish I knew…I was communicating in Spanish with no difficulty… you make learning FUN!!!" Melinda – USA
"Your course has been so helpful and there are so many things that I can say but none would fit better than THANK YOU.
I am a Military Officer (Army) and I took the course to relate better with my Spanish speaking soldiers and I have learned more from this course than in two college course." Clifton D. B , CPT – US ARMY
"Your material is excellent, I think you are performing a valuable service in helping people understand Spanish." Roger Lamb – USA
"I have been in Cuernavaca for two days and am learning so much. Your instruction has allowed me to ask questions and have myself understood. After the conversation is initiated I am able to ask for help in my construction of words and am learning super fast.