If you’d like to Earn More Money for Your Family, Be a Respected Professional in Your Community and Meet Lots of Young Families Who Live Near You, by performing weddings then this might be the most important article you’ll ever read. You will discover the amazing potential of a wedding ministry income. Performing weddings is one of the quickest and easiest ways for a pastor to earn extra income. Here’s why:
You deserve a raise, but why wait for someone else to give you a raise when you can give it to yourself. So, if you wonder how to create a second income for Pastors and get paid an extra one or two months salary each year, then keep reading. Look, I know you do a tough job and work in the most underpaid profession in the world. But you don’t have to limit your earning power just because someone else may have told you that is the way it is supposed to be. Let me teach you, the same way I have taught many others, how to use the skills, position, training, and credentials you already possess to provide a valuable resource that people are seeking. Believe it or not, right now people are sifting through the Yellow Pages or Surfing the World Wide Web looking for you to perform their wedding. If you follow my easy system and utilize the practical and easy to use tools I have created for you, before you know it, people will be calling you. They will be wanting to pay you for your valuable services simply because you suddenly decided to be available. My connect-the-dots system will give you the know how and resources to connect with them and begin making the money you deserve.
Now, I know you don’t know me and may have some doubts. That’s OK. If you read on I think you will see what I mean and how this really has worked for me and why I have designed this system to work for you, as well. Let me give you three good reasons to get started.
Reason one: Dr. Carr is a Pastor who has been in full-time ministry for 25 years. He holds ministerial degrees from Liberty University, Dallas Theological Seminary, and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Reason two: He has performed more than 500 Wedding Ceremonies and Wedding Vow Renewals, conducted hundreds of Wedding Rehearsals, interviewed and counseled hundreds of couples, and worked with thousands of Wedding Professionals.
Reason three: This resource is the result of literally thousands of hours of research and compilation. It developed from thousands of hours of first-hand experience and observation. The principles and easy steps contained within it were created by countless phone calls, personal meetings, mistakes made, lessons learned, trial and error, observing other professionals at work, listening to what people want and need, purchasing and reading mul udes of books, late night searches, exchanging thousands of emails, and, of course, actually performing weddings. This work has already been done for you.
After my first year of ministry, when the church could not afford to give me a raise, I realized I could not depend entirely on the church to provide for the needs of my family. It was an important epiphany that I needed. When a friend asked me to do him a "favor" that made me some extra cash over the weekend, I soon realized the potential to earn extra income that had presented itself. After that I began to consistently make $3,000 to $5,000 each year with minimal effort by developing a system. Anyone can learn this simple reproducible system and begin achieving even greater results. I have p ed this "favor" on to several friends of mine through the years. I even helped my ociate Pastor get started with this system. When I moved to a new state to plant a new church, I began the same "side business" with the even better results. It sure helps if a church planter has some additional income. Even Paul made tents. I have had many friends through the years who have asked me how to do this or how to get started doing this. I have shared these simple principles with many of them. Now, I have decided that there are too many ministers and officiants who quietly serve the Lord and others but who are terribly underpaid who can benefit from this system. So I have to decided to share this method with anyone who needs it and is willing to try it for themselves. This simple collection of resources and step-by-step guide will help any minister or officiate to start a new income stream or create a second income for pastors.
This site is not about wedding certification or…