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{{#with reason_object}} {{#if_cond relation ‘==’ ‘owner’}} {{{notificationSourceUsersHtml ../../activities}}} commented on your {{root.object.readable_type}}: {{else}} {{#if_cond relation ‘==’ ‘comment’}} {{{notificationSourceUsersHtml ../../../activities}}} also commented on {{root.owner. le}}’s {{root.object.readable_type}}: {{else}} {{#if_cond relation ‘==’ ‘follower’}} {{{notificationSourceUsersHtml ../../../../activities}}} commented on {{root.owner. le}}’s {{root.object.readable_type}} you follow: {{else}} {{{notificationSourceUsersHtml ../../../../activities}}} commented on {{root.owner. le}}’s {{root.object.readable_type}}: {{/if_cond}} {{/if_cond}} {{/if_cond}} {{#if root.object.readable_ le}} “{{#ellipsis root.object.readable_ le 20}}{{/ellipsis}}” {{/if}} {{/with}}
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Author of the first App store optimization book available in , [ASO Ninja] and daily blogger of on of the top app store optimization blogs and one top App Store Optimization podcast
In the last year Gabriel has helped over 200 app development companies to optimize their apps and understand how the App store algorithm work.
Gabriel’s approach is to make App store optimization training as friendly as possible and to offer a proactive way to understand easy and practical techniques you, as a developer can implement today.
As an App store optimization consultant Gabriel has work and train developers in how to use some of the best App store optimization tools and strategies.
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