You get easily overwhelmed by thousands of paint color choices out there and dont know where to start
You cant make up your mind, because a lot of the colors look the same to you, and you dont know which one is right
You dont understand why you have to go through all that trouble when all you need is a "simple" beige/gold/green/blue/etc – shouldnt there be an easier way?
You feel like you spend more time choosing and stressing out over the paint colors than actually enjoying them
You it when the color that looked perfect on a swatch turns out totally different and all wrong on the walls
You would like to try something new, but afraid to make a mistake – so you keep living with the same wall colors all your life
You are tired of buying paint color samples by the dozen and all that endless sampling that leads nowhere
Your husband is starting to lose his patience and wants to know why it’s taking you so long to pick a color, and when you will stop wasting money on the samples?
It’s a shortcut to the best, most popular, timeless Sherwin Williams paint colors that I have personally proven, tried and tested in real life.
I called it the Paint Color Cheat Sheets – with the idea that now you won’t have to wade through hundreds or thousands of paint colors anymore, in order to find the right one.
I’ve done all the hard work for you, eliminated all the wrong options and narrowed down the choices to only the best few (like the "right answers" in a paint color deck).
In other words, the Paint Color Cheat Sheets are as close to foolproof and no-fail colors as you can get without days or weeks of choosing.
No more endless testing or second-guessing your choices. Simple. Fast. So you will spend less time choosing paint colors and more time actually enjoying them in your home.
But then I started sharing it with our customers (my husband and I run a professional, full service house painting company and offer color consultations), and they all encouraged me to turn it into a "real" product and make it available to everyone who might need it.
It took me 7 years of trial and error to compile this collection. I had to make a LOT of (costly) mistakes, waste thousands of dollars and go through hundreds and hundreds of paint colors, before I found the ones I could really call "foolproof".
Thats right – most of the colors you see in a paint color deck will never make successful wall colors – because they are either too dark, too intense, or just plain wrong otherwise.
In fact, all experienced professional decorators and color consultants have a "go-to" file that consists of a small number of colors they refer to again and again in their work.
For example, there are colors that look merely ok, some that always disappoint when they go up on the walls, and then there are foolproof colors that work in all homes and all situations, producing consistent, reliable results every time.
Yelena Kublitski’s Paint Color Cheat Sheets™ are a great tool that will save time, money and many headaches – because you simply can’t go wrong using any of the colors suggested in her well-edited palette.
Her colors are nature-inspired: earthy reds and oranges, grayed blues, greens and purples with brown undertones – colors you’ll often see in historical collections.
In addition to a well-edited palette of colors, she’s provided a wealth of information in her bonus tutorials that will help you from start to finish.
She’s even included a ‘Paint Color Schedule’ used by professional designers, architects and color consultants to effectively communicate your paint selections to your contractor or paint store clerk.
You won’t have to re-invent the wheel and go through the same learning curve I did in order to figure out what colors really work. Ive done all that for you.
I took all of my secrets, "go-to" color files and notes, and turned them into an easy-to-use, comprehensive resource that lets you find that perfect paint color in minutes – instead of days (or weeks).
It contains just enough colors to give you a healthy range of options, but yet not nearly enough to overwhelm you.
Many homeowners that I meet with worry that they won’t like the colour once it’s on their walls. The information included within the Paint Color Cheat Sheets™ addresses that concern.
One of the I like best about this product is that it takes a lot of the guess work out of colour selection for a homeowner by providing suggested colour pairings.
With the Paint Color…